What are the Signs of Autism?
What I know
Autism is a Spectrum Disorder and therefore the signs you could be autistic differ from one person to the next.
Common Signs of Autism are:
- Not being able to understand and respond to someones facial expressions
- Lack of eye contact
- Struggling to maintain friends
- Taking things literally
- Taking more risks than a normal person due to not understanding danger
- Laughing or giggling at the wrong time
- May avoid cuddles
- May not respond to their name
- Have intense interests
- Struggle with changes to routine
- Appear moody or depressed
- Have meltdowns
- Wear the same type of clothes and be resistant to changing
- Have a sense of order e.g. Socks in one drawer, T-shirts in another.
-Don't feel like they fit in or wonder why they think differently to everyone else.
- Struggle to understand jokes or take things literally
Autism is rarely diagnosed in girls as they are able to pick up social cues better than boys. Therefore from a young age they will already be masking and able to hide the signs they are autistic.
I for instance always knew I was different because I just did not feel I fitted in anywhere. I really struggle to maintain friendships and kids didn't really want to play with me.
I was however very good at sport, had an obsession for POGs, Marbles, Polly Pocket and TY beanie bears. I loved collecting things and had things in orders of colour or size. Everything had a level of improtance.
Being good at sport meant I was able to mix with people who also played the same sport. Sport also provides rules and structure which, I like so thrive in.
I spotted a pattern to my behaviour where I would have friends for a while but the friendships would fizzle out. So I don't really keep in touch with people when my life moves on. There are only 2 or 3 people in my life that have known me for over 10 years.
I also hated noises. Noises caused me massive stress and still do. It is like a bomb that goes off in my body. It causes an extreme anxiety.
Autism is classed as a disability but it is usually the envirionment you fiond yourself in that has the disabling affect and not the condition itself.